b'Gel & Capillary | RUO AssaysGel and Capillary Gel and CapillaryBCL2/J HTranslocation AssayResearch Use Only (RUO) Assay BCL2/JH Translocation AssayResearch Use Only (RUO) AssayBCL2/JTranslocation AssayHAssay Use Specimen RequirementsThis Research Use Only assay identifies BCL2/J Htranslocations. This assay tests extracted and purified genomic DNA (gDNA). ReagentsSummary and Explanation of the TestReferences Controls Concentration Units in Assay Units in Assay MegaKitFour master mixes are included in this assay. Three are used to identify1.PAS Evans et al., Leukemia 17: 2298-2301 (2003). IVS-0030 Clonal Control DNA 200 g/mL 1 x 100 L tube 5 x 100 L tubestranslocations in the major breakpoint region (MBR) and minor cluster2. JJM van Dongen et al., Leukemia 17: 2257-2317 (2003). IVS-P002 Clonal Control DNA1600 pg/mL 1 x 100 L tube 5 x 100 L tubesregion (mcr) of BCL2. The Specimen Control Size Ladder masterIVS-0031 Clonal Control DNA 200 g/mL 1 x 100 L tube 5 x 100 L tubesmix targets multiple genes and generates a series of amplicons of approximately 100, 200, 300, 400, and 600 base pairs to ensure thatIVS-0000 Polyclonal Control DNA 200 g/mL 1 x 100 L tube 5 x 100 L tubesthe quality and quantity of input DNA is adequate to yield a validMaster Mixes Target Units in Assay Units in Assay MegaKitresult. This assay includes negative control DNA and positive control DNAs for both the MBR and mcr. PCR products can be analyzed usingBCL2/J HTube A BCL2 MBR + IGH J H 1 x 1500 L tube 10 x 1500 L tubesstandard gel electrophoresis with ethidium bromide staining. A BCL2BCL2/J HTube B BCL2 3 MBR + IGH J H 1 x 1500 L tube 10 x 1500 L tubestranslocation is indicated if any one of the master mixes generates product(s) within the valid size range. BCL2/J HTube C BCL2 mcr + IGH J H 1 x 1500 L tube 10 x 1500 L tubesSpecimen Control Size Ladder Multiple Genes 1 x 1500 L tube 10 x 1500 L tubesBackground BCL2 translocations are reciprocal chromosome exchanges that place the bcl-2 proto-oncogene, located on chromosome 18, under aberrant transcriptional control of the immunoglobulin heavy chainOrdering Informationgene, located on chromosome 14. The bcl-2 protein is an antagonist to apoptosis (programmed cell death), a normal process designedCatalog # Products Quantityto eliminate unneeded and damaged cells during hematopoiesis.Increased expression of the bcl-2 protein leads to an increase in the1-309-0020 BCL2/J HTranslocation Assay - Gel Detection 33 reactionslevels of B-cells in the body.This assay is based on the EuroClonality/BIOMED-2 Concerted Action BMH4-CT98-3936.Figure Legend: Schematic diagram of the IGH-BCL2 t(14;18) translocation showing the BCL2 gene on the left and the Ig heavy chain (IGH) gene on the right. Shown are the relative positions and orientations for the major breakpoint region (MBR) primers, the minor cluster region (mcr) primers, and the J Hprimer, which are included in the 3 BCL2/J Hmaster mix tubes.HHH118Invivoscribe 2021|119'