Warranty and Liability Limits

Invivoscribe is committed to providing the highest quality products. Invivoscribe warrants that for products which are provided with Instructions for Use, these products meet or exceed the performance standards described in the Instructions For Use. If a product is covered by product specifications and does not perform as specified, Invivoscribe’s policy is to replace the product or credit the full purchase price. No other warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, are provided by Invivoscribe. Invivoscribe liability shall not exceed the purchase price of the product. Invivoscribe shall have no liability for direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages arising from the use, results of use, or inability to use its products. Product efficacy under purchaser-controlled conditions in purchaser’s laboratory must be established and continually monitored through purchaser defined and controlled processes including but not limited to testing of positive, negative, and blank controls every time a sample is tested. Ordering, acceptance and use of product constitutes purchaser acceptance of sole responsibility for assuring product efficacy and purchaser agreement to the limitation of liability set forth in this paragraph.

Intended Uses and Limited License

Invivoscribe products may only be used solely in accordance with the Instructions for Use provided with the products.

Invivoscribe products are sold for use by the end-user only and may not be resold, modified for resale, refurbished or used to manufacture commercial products without written approval of Invivoscribe.

Research Use Only (RUO) products are not intended for diagnostic purposes.

Invivoscribe’s CE-IVD products are in vitro diagnostic products which are only available in regions that accept CE-IVD products. These products are intended for the detection of clonal gene rearrangements, mutations and translocations for patients with suspected lymphoproliferations. More particularly:

  • IdentiClone® Assay kits are in vitro diagnostic products which are only available in regions that accept CE-IVD products. Check for availability in your region.
  • The LymphoTrack® Dx Assays are in vitro diagnostic products which are only available in regions that accept CE-IVD.

Analyte Specific Reagent product limitations:

  • Analytical and performance characteristics are not established.
  • Analyte Specific Reagents are not available for sale or use outside of the USA.
  • Per current US FDA regulations, Analyte Specific Reagents may only be sold to in vitro diagnostic manufacturers, CLIA accredited high complexity laboratories, VHA regulated clinical laboratories, and laboratories not intending to use Analyte Specific Reagents as a part of a diagnostic test.

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. This document is believed to be complete and accurate at the time of publication. In no event shall Invivoscribe be liable for incidental, special, multiple or consequential damages in connection with, or arising from the use of this document.

External links on the website are provided only for the convenience of Invivoscribe website visitors. Invivoscribe has no interest in, responsibility for, or control over non-Invivoscribe affiliated linked sites. Invivoscribe makes no promises or warranties of any kind, express or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, as to content of linked sites.

LymphoTrack® Products
LymphoTrack® Dx Assay Kits

LymphoTrack® Dx Assays are in vitro diagnostic products which are only available in regions that accept CE-IVD products.

ProductsCatalog #
LymphoTrack® Dx IGHV Leader Somatic Hypermutation Assays
LymphoTrack® IGHV Leader Somatic Hypermutation Assay Kit A – MiSeq™9-121-0059
LymphoTrack® Dx IGHV Leader Somatic Hypermutation Assay Panel – MiSeq™9-121-0069
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR1/2/3 Assays
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR1/2/3 Assays Kit A – MiSeq™9-121-0129
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR1/2/3 Assays Panel – MiSeq™9-121-0139
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR1 Assays Kit A – MiSeq™9-121-0009
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR1 Assays Kit Panel – MiSeq™9-121-0039
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR2 Assays Kit A – MiSeq™9-121-0089
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR2 Assays Kit Panel – MiSeq™9-121-0099
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR3 Assays Kit A – MiSeq™9-121-0109
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR3 Assays Kit Panel – MiSeq™9-121-0119
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR1/2/3 Assay – S5/PGM™9-121-0057
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR1 Assay – S5/PGM™9-121-0007
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR2 Assay – S5/PGM™9-121-0037
LymphoTrack® Dx IGH FR3 Assay – S5/PGM™9-121-0047
LymphoTrack® Dx IGK Assays
LymphoTrack® Dx IGK Assay Kit A – MiSeq™9-122-0009
LymphoTrack® Dx IGK Assay Panel – MiSeq™9-122-0019
LymphoTrack® Dx IGK Assay – S5/PGM™9-122-0007
LymphoTrack® Dx TRG Assays
LymphoTrack® Dx TRG Assay Kit A – MiSeq™9-227-0019
LymphoTrack® Dx TRG Assay Panel – MiSeq™9-227-0009
LymphoTrack® Dx TRG Assay – S5/PGM™9-227-0007
LymphoTrack® Dx TRB Assays
LymphoTrack® Dx TRB Assay Kit A – MiSeq™9-225-0009
LymphoTrack® Dx TRB Assay Panel – MiSeq™9-225-0019
LymphoTrack® Dx Bioinformatics Software
LymphoTrack® Dx Software – MiSeq™9-500-0009
LymphoTrack® Dx Software – S5/PGM™9-500-0007
LymphoTrack® Research Use Only Assays

These products are for Research Use Only and are not intended for diagnostic purposes. Please check for availability in your region.

ProductsCatalog #
LymphoTrack® IGH Leader Somatic Hypermutation Assays
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1/2/3 Leader Somatic Hypermutation Kit A – MiSeq™7-121-0059
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1/2/3 Leader Somatic Hypermutation Panel – MiSeq™7-121-0069
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1/2/3 Assays
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1/2/3 Assays Kit A – MiSeq™7-121-0129
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1/2/3 Assays Kit Panel – MiSeq™7-121-0139
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1 Assays Kit A – MiSeq™7-121-0009
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1 Assays Kit Panel – MiSeq™7-121-0039
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1 Assay Panel B – MiSeq™7-121-0149
LymphoTrack® IGH FR2 Assay Kit A – MiSeq™7-121-0089
LymphoTrack® IGH FR2 Assay Kit Panel – MiSeq™7-121-0099
LymphoTrack® IGH FR3 Assay Kit A – MiSeq™7-121-0109
LymphoTrack® IGH FR3 Assay Kit Panel – MiSeq™7-121-0119
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1/2/3 Assay – S5/PGM™7-121-0057
LymphoTrack® IGH FR1 Assay – S5/PGM™7-121-0007
LymphoTrack® IGH FR2 Assay – S5/PGM™7-121-0037
LymphoTrack® IGH FR3 Assay – S5/PGM™7-121-0047
LymphoTrack® IGK Assays
LymphoTrack® IGK Assay Kit A – MiSeq™7-122-0009
LymphoTrack® IGK Assay Panel – MiSeq™7-122-0019
LymphoTrack® IGK Assay – S5/PGM™ 7-122-0007
LymphoTrack® TRG Assays
LymphoTrack® TRG Assay Kit A – MiSeq™7-227-0019
LymphoTrack® TRG Assay Panel – MiSeq™7-227-0009
LymphoTrack® TRG Assay Kit A – S5/PGM™7-227-0007
LymphoTrack® TRB Assays
LymphoTrack® TRB Assay Kit A – MiSeq™7-225-0009
LymphoTrack® TRB Assay Panel – MiSeq™7-225-0019
LymphoTrack® Software
LymphoTrack® Software – MiSeq™7-500-0009
LymphoTrack® Software – S5/PGM™7-500-0007
LymphoTrack® Enterprise Software – MiSeq™S100003
LymphoTrack® MRD Software*7-500-0008


*MRD Software can be used to track sequences generated using either LymphoTrack® Assays formatted for either the Illumina® MiSeq™ or Thermo Fisher® NGS platforms (Ion S5/PGM™).


Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) Solutions
FLT3 and NPM1 Research Use Only Products

These products are for Research Use Only and are not intended for diagnostic purposes. Please check for availability in your region.

ProductsCatalog #
FLT3 ITD MRD Assay1-412-0019
FLT3 ITD MRD SoftwareS100005
NPM1 MRD Assay
NPM1 MRD Assay1-416-0019
NPM1 MRD SoftwareS100004
Identiclone® Products

IdentiClone® Assay kits are in vitro diagnostic products which are only available in regions that accept CE-IVD products.

B-Cell Assays
ProductsCatalog #
IdentiClone® IGH + IGK B-Cell Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-100-0031
IdentiClone® IGH + IGK B-Cell Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-100-0041
IdentiClone® IGH Gene Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-101-0061
IdentiClone® IGH Gene Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-101-0081
IdentiClone® IGK Gene Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-102-0021
IdentiClone® IGK Gene Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-102-0031
IdentiClone® IGL Gene Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-103-0011


T-Cell Assays
ProductsCatalog #
IdentiClone® TCRB Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-205-0011
IdentiClone® TCRB Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-205-0021
IdentiClone® T-Cell Receptor Gamma Gene Rearrangement Assay 2.0 – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-207-0101
IdentiClone® T-Cell Receptor Gamma Gene Rearrangement Assay MegaKit 2.0 – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-207-0111
IdentiClone® TCRD Gene Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-206-0011
IdentiClone® TCRD Gene Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-206-0021
Gel and Capillary Products

These products are for Research Use Only and are not intended for diagnostic purposes. Please check for availability in your region.

B-Cell Assays
ProductsCatalog #
IGH + IGK B-Cell Clonality Assay – Gel Detection1-100-0010
IGH + IGK B-Cell Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-100-0031
IGH + IGK B-Cell Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-100-0041
IGH Gene Rearrangement Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-101-0051
IGH Gene Rearrangement Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-101-0071
IGH Gene Clonality Assay – Gel Detection1-101-0020
IGH Gene Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-101-0061
IGH Gene Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-101-0081
IGK Gene Clonality Assay – Gel Detection1-102-0020
IGK Gene Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-102-0021
IGK Gene Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-102-0031
IGL Gene Clonality Assay – Gel Detection1-103-0010
IGL Gene Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-103-0011
IGL Gene Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-103-0021


T-Cell Assays
ProductsCatalog #
TCRB Gene Clonality Assay – Gel Detection1-205-0010
TCRB Gene Clonality Assay MegaKit – Gel Detection1-205-0020
TCRB Gene Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-205-0011
TCRB Gene Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-205-0021
T-Cell Receptor Gamma Gene Rearrangement Assay 2.0 – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-207-0101
T-Cell Receptor Gamma Gene Rearrangement Assay MegaKit 2.0 – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-207-0111
T-Cell Receptor Gene Rearrangement Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-207-0051
TCRD Gene Clonality Assay – Gel Detection1-206-0010
TCRD Gene Clonality Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-206-0011
TCRD Gene Clonality Assay MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-206-0021


Translocation Assays
ProductsCatalog #
BCL1/JH Translocation Assay – Gel Detection1-308-0010
BCL1/JH Translocation Assay MegaKit – Gel Detection1-308-0020
BCL2/JH t(14;18) Translocation Assay – Gel Detection1-309-0010
BCL2/JH Translocation Assay – Gel Detection1-309-0020
BCL2/JH Translocation Assay MegaKit – Gel Detection1-309-0040
BCR/ABL t(9;22) Translocation Assay – Gel Detection1-310-0010
BCR/ABL t(9;22) Translocation Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-310-0031
PML/RARα t(15;17) Translocation Assay – ABI Fluorescence Detection1-311-0011


Somatic HyperMutation Assays
ProductsCatalog #
IGH Somatic Hypermutation Assay v2.0 – Gel Detection5-101-0030
IGH Somatic Hypermutation Assay v2.0 MegaKit – Gel Detection5-101-0040
IGH Somatic Hypermutation Assay v2.0 – ABI Fluorescence Detection5-101-0031
IGH Somatic Hypermutation Assay v2.0 MegaKit – ABI Fluorescence Detection5-101-0041


FLT3 Mutation Assays
ProductsCatalog #
FLT3 Mutation Assay Gel Detection1-412-0010
FLT3 Mutation Assay ABI Fluorescence Detection1-412-0031


Leukostrat Products

LeukoStrat products are in vitro diagnostic products which are only available in regions that accept CE-IVD products.

ProductsCatalog #
LeukoStrat® FLT3 Mutation Assay 2.0 – ABI Fluorescence Detection9-412-0091
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay (IVD) – United States
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation AssayK-412-0361
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 SoftwareK-412-0371
LeukoStrat® CDx Assay InstallerK-412-0401
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay (CE-marked)
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation AssayK-412-0291
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 SoftwareK-412-0281
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay (CE 2797 IVD)
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation AssayK-412-0431
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 SoftwareK-412-0441
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay – Japan
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 Mutation AssayK-412-0331
LeukoStrat® CDx FLT3 SoftwareK-412-0341
Analyte Specific Reagents

Analytical and performance characteristics of Analyte Specific Reagents are not established. Analyte Specific Reagents are not available for sale or use outside of the USA.

Per current US FDA regulations, Analyte Specific Reagents may only be sold to in vitro diagnostic manufacturers, CLIA accredited high complexity laboratories, VHA regulated clinical laboratories, and laboratories not intending to use Analyte Specific Reagents as a part of a diagnostic test.

ProductsCatalog #
IGH (Immunoglobulin Heavy Chain Gene Locus)
IGH Framework 1 – 6FAMA-101-0061
IGH Framework 2 – 6FAMA-101-0091
IGH Framework 3 – HEXA-101-0081
IGH FR1 – 6FAMA-101-0011
IGH FR2 – 6FAMA-101-0101
IGH FR3 – HEXA-101-0031
IGH DH1 – 6 – HEXA-101-0041
IGH DH7 – 6FAMA-101-0051
TRB (T-Cell Receptor Beta Chain Gene Locus)
TCRB V – J1 + 2 – 6FAM & HEXA-205-0011
TCRB V – J2 – 6FAMA-205-0021
TCRB D – J1 + 2 – 6FAM & HEXA-205-0031
IGK (Immunoglobulin Kappa Light Chain Gene Locus)
IGK V – J – 6FAMA-102-0011
IGK V – Kde – 6FAMA-102-0021
TRG (T-Cell Receptor Beta Chain Gene Locus)
TCRG V(2-5,8-11) J 1 + 2+P – 6FAMA-205-0011
TCRG V(1-8,9) J – 6FAMA-205-0021
TCRG V(1-8) J – HEXA-205-0031



Controls, Reagents and Enzymes
DNA Controls

These controls are general purpose reagents (GPRs).

ProductsCatalog #
IVS-0000 Polyclonal Control DNA4-092-0010
IVS-0001 Clonal Control DNA4-088-0010
IVS-0004 Clonal Control DNA4-088-0190
IVS-0007 Clonal Control DNA4-088-0370
IVS-0008 Clonal Control DNA4-088-0430
IVS-0009 Clonal Control DNA4-088-0490
IVS-0010 Clonal Control DNA4-088-0550
IVS-0013 Clonal Control DNA4-088-0730
IVS-0019 Clonal Control DNA4-088-1090
IVS-0021 Clonal Control DNA4-088-1210
IVS-0024 Clonal Control DNA4-088-1390
IVS-0029 Clonal Control DNA4-088-1690
IGH SHM Positive Control DNA4-088-0008
IVS-0030 Clonal Control DNA4-088-1750
IVS-0031 Clonal Control DNA4-088-1810
LymphoTrack® B-cell Low Positive Control*4-088-0098
LymphoTrack® T-cell Low Positive Control*4-088-0108
LymphoQuant® B-cell Internal Control*4-088-0118
LymphoQuant® T-cell Internal Control*4-088-0128


*LymphoTrack® Low Positive Controls and LymphoQuant® Internal Controls are for Research Use Only, not intended for diagnostic purposes.

RNA Controls

**These controls are general purpose reagents. All others are for Research Use Only, not intended for diagnostic purposes.

ProductsCatalog #
IVS-0002 Clonal Control RNA**4-089-0100
IVS-0003 Clonal Control RNA**4-089-0190
10-1 IVS-0003 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0200
10-2 IVS-0003 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0210
10-3 IVS-0003 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0220
10-4 IVS-0003 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0230
10-5 IVS-0003 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0240
IVS-0011 Clonal Control RNA**4-089-0910
10-1 IVS-0011 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0920
10-2 IVS-0011 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0930
10-3 IVS-0011 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0940
10-4 IVS-0011 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0950
10-5 IVS-0011 Clonal Control RNA4-089-0960
IVS-0015 Clonal Control RNA**4-089-1270
IVS-0020 Clonal Control RNA**4-089-1720
IVS-0032 Clonal Control RNA**4-089-2800
10-1 IVS-0032 Clonal Control RNA4-089-2810
10-2 IVS-0032 Clonal Control RNA4-089-2820
10-3 IVS-0032 Clonal Control RNA4-089-2830
10-4 IVS-0032 Clonal Control RNA4-089-2840
10-5 IVS-0032 Clonal Control RNA4-089-2850
IVS-0035 Clonal Control RNA**4-089-3070


BCR/ABL1 RNA Dilution Sets

These products are for Research Use Only, not intended for diagnostic purposes.

ProductsCatalog #
BCR/ABL b3a2 RNA Dilution Set (10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 dilutions and negative)4-085-0210
BCR/ABL b2a2 RNA Dilution Set (10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 dilutions and negative)4-085-0310
BCR/ABL e1a2 RNA Dilution Set (10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 10-4, 10-5 dilutions and negative)4-085-0110


Control Panels

These products are for Research Use Only, not intended for diagnostic purposes.

ProductsCatalog #
Sensitivity Panel for IVS-0003 Clonal Control RNA4-087-0030
Sensitivity Panel for IVS-0011 Clonal Control RNA4-087-0110
Sensitivity Panel for IVS-0015 Clonal Control RNA4-087-0150
Sensitivity Panel for IVS-0020 Clonal Control RNA4-087-0200
Sensitivity Panel for IVS-0032 Clonal Control RNA4-087-0320


Master Mix Controls

These products are for Research Use Only, not intended for diagnostic purposes.

ProductsCatalog #
Specimen Control Size Ladder – Unlabeled2-096-0020
Specimen Control Size Ladder – 6FAM2-096-0021




These products are for Research Use Only, not intended for diagnostic purposes.

ProductsCatalog #
Hi-Deionized Formamide with ROX Size  |  Standard (ABI 3100), 1 mL6-098-0061
GeneScan™ 600 LIZ® dye v2.0  |  Standard (ABI 3500), 800 reactions (Available through Thermo Fisher Scientific®)4408399




These products are for Research Use Only, not intended for diagnostic purposes.

ProductsCatalog #
FalconTaq™ DNA Polymerase  250 U, 5 U/μL6-097-0130


FalconTaq™ DNA Polymerase is replacing EagleTaq DNA Polymerase, please contact [email protected] if you have questions.

Patent Notices

Use of Invivoscribe products may require the application of methods or the use of reagents, products or equipment covered by third party patents. Other than any expressly stated licenses, any necessary license to use these third-party rights is the responsibility of the user and no such license is granted by Invivoscribe, expressly or by implication. Invivoscribe makes no warranty that these products and/or their uses do not infringe the rights of third parties.

LymphoTrack® Products

LymphoTrack® Products are covered by one or more patents owned by or licensed to Invivoscribe, Inc., including US Patent No. 7,785,783, US Patent No. 8,859,748, US Patent No. 10,280,462, European Patent No. 1633884, Japanese Patent No. 6189600, Canadian Patent No. 2525122 and Chinese Patent No. 1806051. Purchase of these products carries with it a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the product (without the right to resell, repackage, or sublicense) under these patents. No other license under these patents or any other patents is granted expressly, impliedly or by estoppel.

FLT3 and NPM1 Products

NPM1 mutations and uses thereof are claimed in patents deriving from PCT/IT2005/000634, including patents granted in the United States and Europe. The purchase of this product allows the purchaser to use it for research use only. No general patent or other license other than this specific right of use from purchaser is granted hereby.

Identiclone® Products

IdentiClone® products are covered by one or more patents owned by or licensed to Invivoscribe, Inc., including United States Patent No. 8859748 and United States Patent No. 10280462. Purchase of these products carries with it a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the product (without the right to resell, repackage, or sublicense) under these patents. No other license under these patents or any other patents is granted expressly, impliedly or by estoppel.

Gel and Capillary Products

Gel and capillary Research Use Only (RUO) products are covered by one or more patents owned by or licensed to Invivoscribe, Inc., including United States Patent No. 8859748 and United States Patent No. 10280462. Purchase of these products carries with it a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the product (without the right to resell, repackage, or sublicense) under these patents. No other license under these patents or any other patents is granted expressly, impliedly or by estoppel.


Analyte Specific Reagents

Some of the analyte specific reagents are covered by one or more patents owned by or licensed to Invivoscribe, Inc., including United States Patent No. 8859748 and United States Patent No. 10280462. Purchase of these products carries with it a limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the product (without the right to resell, repackage, or sublicense) under these patents. No other license under these patents or any other patents is granted expressly, impliedly or by estoppel.

Trademark Notices

©2024 Invivoscribe, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of Invivoscribe Inc, and/or its affiliates, or (as to the trademarks of third parties used herein) their respective owners.

Registered and unregistered names, trademarks and other descriptors of origin used in the Invivoscribe website, even when not specifically marked as such, are not to be considered unprotected by law.

Invivoscribe®, Invivoscribe ®, LabPMM®, LymphoTrack®, LeukoStrat®, LymphoQuant®, IdentiClone®, MYMRD®, MYAML®, MYINFORMATICS®, Improving Lives with Precision Diagnostics® and Streamlined CDx® are registered trademarks of Invivoscribe Inc.

FalconTaqTM and MarkerMatchTM are trademarks of Invivoscribe Inc.

ILLUMINA® and MISEQTM are registered trademarks of Illumina, Inc.

THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC® and ION PGM™ and ION S5™ are trademarks of Thermo Fisher Scientific or its subsidiaries.

AGILENT®, BIOANALYZER and TAPESTATION are registered trademarks of Agilent Technologies, Inc.

KAPA™ is a trademark of Kapa Biosystems.

PERKIN ELMER® and LABCHIP® are registered trademarks of Revvity.

MICROSOFT®, WINDOWS®, and EXCEL® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Roche® is a registered trademark of F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd.