b'How to Order a TestPatient Consent and Please contact your local LabPMM siteEurope:
[email protected] order to receive the necessary formsAmericas:
[email protected] initiate a services ordering account. Asia:
[email protected] Collection and Shipment Previously Isolated DNAWe advise our customers to send all specimens throughPlease ship previously isolated DNA at ambient an overnight delivery service.temperature, with cool packs, or on dry ice, as applicable. Previously isolated DNA may be stored Please notify your local LabPMM site of urgentindenitely at -65C to -85C.samples so we know when to expect the specimensand can investigate any shipping issues if needed.CDx FLT3 Mutation Assay Blood and Bone Marrow Only blood or bone marrow aspirate samples collected Specimens for DNA and RNA Assays in sodium heparin tubes are accepted.Japan Only: blood or bone marrow aspirate samplesPatient ConsentCollect specimens in a Heparin, EDTA, or an ACD (acidcollected in EDTA tubes or Sodium heparin tubes areLabPMM will only process routine diagnostic Samples for the MyAML, MyHEME and MyMRD citrate dextrose) tube. Specically for FLT3 ITD MRD and NPM1 MRD, only samples collected in EDTA and ACDaccepted.samples submitted by medical institutions, wherebyassays must have a completed patient consent are accepted. Minimum volumes provided on test menuconsent for diagnostic testing is obtained by theform, signed by the patient and the submitting service page. Blood and bone marrow may be storedCOVID-19 Test submitting physician.physician to conrm that the patient has understood at 2-8 C for up to 7 days. Please ship blood and boneNo data is forwarded to outside organizationsand given consent for the testing requested.Nasopharyngeal swabs (NP) in at least 1 mL of universal marrow at ambient temperature or with cool packs, transport medium (UTM) are preferred, but oropharyngealwithout specic prior consent. do not freeze.swabs (OP) in at least 1 mL of universal transport medium (UTM) are also accepted. Samples should be shipped overnighton cool packs unless already frozen, or is shipment is expected to take more than 72 hours, in these cases, Accredited Test Menu by Site Location samples should be shipped overnight frozen on dry ice. Patient CondentialityBy sending samples to LabPMM for routineOur data servers are located in a facility in theLabPMM GmbH LabPMM LLC LabPMM GK diagnostic testing, patients will be protected USA. An U.S.-EU privacy shield certication is Europe/Middle East/Africa Americas Asia/Pacic by the strict data protection laws.available. Data is encrypted prior to transfer and the transferred data is subject to the same safeguardsPatient samples will only be reused for qualityDAkkS-accredited tests CAP ISO 15189-accredited Licensed Clinical Lab control of the assays requested on the originalas data held in Germany. to ISO 15189and CLIA-certied: requisition form.CDx FLT3 IGK CDx FLT3IGHCDx FLT3 At LabPMM GmbH, unless prior consent is given,NPM1 TRG FLT3 ITD MRDIGK primary samples or DNA from patient samples is IGH TRBNPM1TRG retained for 12 months for quality control purposes NPM1 MRDTRB only. Thereafter patient samples are de-identied MyAML and destroyed.MyMRD New York State Licensed Tests : CDx FLT3 NPM1 COVID-19 Test4 LabPMM Services Catalog 2020|5'